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Cricket Captain 2021 Steam Release Date and Features

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  • FollowedOn
    If managing Zimbabwe (or I imagine other countries who's FC leagues aren't available) I've noticed that quite often talented players will become free agents and never play domestic matches. For instance, Dustin Melton eventually loses his county deal and never gets picked for any side again and I have a 21 yo batsmen who played one year in the Bangladesh T20 and is now unemployed, I checked his stats and he was averaging >50 in 2nd XI FC matches so I called him up and he immediately was preferred to all my other batsmen. Would it be possible to add some form of feature where high rated free agents in unloaded FC nations get "randomly" assigned to a team to ensure they don't get lost all the time?

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  • Silly Point
    Many thanks.

    Just confirming the change a player’s name option was all I was really getting at. That’s great!

    Thank you.

    Originally posted by weetabixharry View Post

    There is no official player editor. There is only an unofficial editor, which you can download from here (available for PC only).

    You can change a player's name in-game (so you don't need an editor to do that).

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  • weetabixharry
    Originally posted by Silly Point View Post

    Apologies if this information is staring me in the face!

    Is there a Player Editor?

    I normally play on MAC but downloaded phone demo for first time. It won’t let me save my name so can’t start a career but in tournament it seemed to have the option to change player name. Is that doable in career for every player, like the early versions of the game, and we can just change their name?

    This is probably the difference between me buying it or not!

    Thank you
    There is no official player editor. There is only an unofficial editor, which you can download from here (available for PC only).

    You can change a player's name in-game (so you don't need an editor to do that). Just click on the "pencil" icon:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	edit.png
Views:	267
Size:	103.4 KB
ID:	76568
    Last edited by weetabixharry; 08-01-2021, 06:24 PM.

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  • Silly Point

    Apologies if this information is staring me in the face!

    Is there a Player Editor?

    I normally play on MAC but downloaded phone demo for first time. It won’t let me save my name so can’t start a career but in tournament it seemed to have the option to change player name. Is that doable in career for every player, like the early versions of the game, and we can just change their name?

    This is probably the difference between me buying it or not!

    Thank you

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  • Lojoda
    Originally posted by Chabo272 View Post

    To add something positive though: it's amazing to see Zimbabwe now have their own regen name list! I got slightly annoyed with all the Dutch names in their squads over the years
    I’ve played as Zimbabwe for about 80 years in the past in these games and I genuinely thought that all the names were realistic! Shows how much I know about Zimbabwe naming conventions!

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  • Chabo272

    Key features for 2021 include:
    ODI and Test World Championships: compete in the new ODI World Championship

    Maybe it should say somewhere that it's an incomplete ODI Championship? Based on that quote alone, I would've immediately bought the new version again, had I not stumbled upon this forum to find out the Netherlands aren't included. This way, I feel there is still limited representation of Associate nations and I can just as well stick to the 2020 version.

    To add something positive though: it's amazing to see Zimbabwe now have their own regen name list! I got slightly annoyed with all the Dutch names in their squads over the years

    Last edited by Chabo272; 07-16-2021, 05:12 AM.

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  • Jobi1K
    Originally posted by Sureshot View Post

    I don't think the ECB have confirmed the 2022 regs yet?

    All comps are very much up in the air right now. I guess the most important question from a Cricket Captain point of view is, do you like the new format?
    No, I don't think they have, but all the suggestions are that this year's format is intended to be a one-off. Personally, I think it's quite a good format – allows teams to play some opposition that they haven't for some time, which keeps things fresh, but also in theory concentrates the best players/teams in the later stages, which has to be good for competition/standards.

    So yes, I'm looking forward to playing out a full season of it in Cricket Captain! Going forward in the game though, will the teams in the first stage stay the same, or will the groups be swapped around each season? Could get a bit stale if they stay the same.

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  • cde
    Originally posted by Sureshot View Post

    I don't think the ECB have confirmed the 2022 regs yet?

    All comps are very much up in the air right now. I guess the most important question from a Cricket Captain point of view is, do you like the new format?
    I quite like it. Outside of the top tier you are playing for pride but this isn't a bad thing. It allows you to gauge where you are as a team more effectively and also to turn over an underprepared team who you would usually expect to lose to.

    I am disappointed that the game has no function for play to be delayed because of snow like Yorkshire v Glamorgan this year!

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  • Lynx54321
    Originally posted by Sureshot View Post

    I don't think the ECB have confirmed the 2022 regs yet?

    All comps are very much up in the air right now. I guess the most important question from a Cricket Captain point of view is, do you like the new format?
    I have to say I've enjoyed the new format, both in game and in real life.

    It's a fascinating question to ask as the counties themselves will be asking their members the same question just as the ECB is asking the counties.

    Very interested to see if it sticks sticks next season.

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  • Sureshot
    Originally posted by Jobi1K View Post

    As it stands I believe that's only for this season (for Covid reasons). Presume it will just stay in place forever in this edition of the game though?
    I don't think the ECB have confirmed the 2022 regs yet?

    All comps are very much up in the air right now. I guess the most important question from a Cricket Captain point of view is, do you like the new format?

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  • Jobi1K
    Originally posted by CricketFan View Post
    I didn't know the county championship had to changed to this new format of group stages.
    As it stands I believe that's only for this season (for Covid reasons). Presume it will just stay in place forever in this edition of the game though?
    Last edited by Jobi1K; 07-14-2021, 10:08 PM.

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  • CricketFan
    I love it so far, two county games in. I didn't know the county championship had to changed to this new format of group stages.

    The new method of highlighting in yellow box and the arrow pointers on the pitch takes some getting use too.

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  • Sureshot
    Originally posted by Barry2907 View Post
    Great work on this guys - really impressive. Any idea when the first patch is being released?
    Not sure yet, we're tidying up some fixes for the online game at the moment. That would likely be a hotfix (same version number) for that.

    We're focusing on Android/iOS right now.

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  • Barry2907
    Great work on this guys - really impressive. Any idea when the first patch is being released?

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  • Sureshot
    Originally posted by Jobi1K View Post
    Downloaded last night (Steam), played one Championship game and won, so very enjoyable so far!

    Having to toggle through the line and length settings when bowling might take a few plays to get used to, but not such a hardship. Only slight disappointment is I was hoping to see the Headingley graphics updated (the new Emerald Stand has been open a couple of years now) – any plans to get that changed soon Sureshot ?

    I really like the new E.RPO indicator though – feels like you can react even better to what the bowlers are doing.
    Thanks for the feedback.

    Yes, E.RPO is much better than T.RPO as it takes bowler tactics in to consideration, whereas T.RPO was static.

    Hopefully we will be able to update stadiums in the near future.

    The line/length toggle takes a little time to get used to, but this is how most Cricket Captain users play in matches as that's how it's worked on mobile for years.
    Last edited by Sureshot; 07-14-2021, 09:31 AM.

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