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Installation Problems

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  • #46
    Hi guys.

    I've put all the files of my game over to my new laptop from my external, since my old laptop blew up. I have two issues;

    1) I get this message when I try to run the ICC2011 application

    "The program can't start because msvcr71.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

    Trouble is I don't have the installer, or my product activation code.

    Is there any way I can fix this without having to download and buy the game again? Cheers.


    • #47
      Have you literally just copied over the files and not installed the game on your new machine?

      You'll likely have problems as you need to install the game for it to write the relevant registry entries. That specific .dll is from Microsoft Visual C, so you may be able to get around the issue by installing the latest Visual C++ re distributable package from Microsoft.

      If you've just copied over the game folder, I recommend storing any saves and fields in a safe place and installing the game.

      No need to buy the game again, just contact us through the contact page and let us know what e-mail you used when buying the game or your First & Last Name and I'll search our database for your license which I'll e-mail back to you.

      Latest download for the game can be found here:

      Download International Cricket Captain 2011 latest version for Windows free to try. International Cricket Captain 2011 latest update: April 30, 2019

      Hamza - Bit of a late reply*, but any Runtime error means you need to be re-installing the game, preferrably with a fresh download and making sure you turn off any non-essential programs during installation. If you still have problems updating Visual C++ might help. Runtime errors can be generic.

      *had horrific web problems of late so not been able to get on here for a while. Now all sorted.


      • #48

        I downloaded the game.

        Windows 7.

        It keeps coming up with the "administrator rights" message. However, when I right click and "Run as Administrator" this fixes nothing.

        Incidentally, I am the computer's administrator.

        Tried troubleshooting, but that made the problem worse; it now has the gold and blue shield on the shortcut. It keeps asking me to run something called cricket.exe, but clicking to agree to do this makes no difference.


        • #49
          I seem to have fixed the administrator rights by re-running it from the start but it still has the shield and just repeatedly keeps telling me to run "cricket.exe" which does nothing.


          • #50
            I have now got the game to start (though it still has the shield over the shortcut) but when I get to the menu (the one with the picture of Lord's on) none of the menu works - all I can do is toggle around it but nothing will execute.


            • #51
              I have now bought the game on CD rom.

              Same old problems:

              game appears to load fine, but when I get to the game menu, it won't work. Sometimes by endless double clicking or hitting return I get into the next menu, but then problems are just as bad.

              When I eventually managed to get close to starting a game, the menu for choosing the counties was weird - I had to kind of drag some of them into view, but then I couldn't get anything to work, anyway.

              A response would be appreciated - I have now spent money on this and wasted countless hours trying to get the thing to respond - every time I go into it, because the menus don't work, I have to enable the task manager to force the game to shut down.


              • #52

                I tried contacting the support and they asked me for some details; after that nothing.

                Really regret buying it on CD - I expected that as a developed game of many years' standing it would work immediately.

                Will leave a 1-star review on Amazon if it's not working by the end of the week.


                • #53
                  Perhaps it's your computer? If the game is reliable on other people's computers, but doesn't work on yours it's probably you who has the problem, not the developers. Leaving a 1-star review because it didn't work is pointless, not what reviews are for. Reviews are for what you actually think of the game, not whether it works or not.


                  • #54
                    Indeed, the game is perfectly stable on Windows, problems will be caused by something within your PC (though it could be many things), the difficulty is in tracking the problem. For something like that, I think we'd be looking at updating Visual C++ amongst others.

                    Did we reach a solution through the Support? I can't link your username to any e-mails on there.


                    • #55
                      right my order id is not workn when i try to license my game i cant pm sureshot and im gettn abit cranky with things not sure what to do


                      • #56
                        Ok, this is a weird one.

                        I bought ICC2011 for PC about a month ago, and have been enjoying it greatly. Yesterday, when I double-clicked the game's desktop icon, rather than the game showing up, an error box appeared advising:

                        "Sorry, could not get a license at this time.
                        Please try running this program later.

                        24 hours later I have the same error, and have tried multiple restarts/reinstalls.

                        Any help would be greatly appreciated.


                        • #57
                          Ok, an update.

                          With no changes at all to my system, the error message changed to:

                          "eLicense Control

                          In order to finish initializing, this application must first be run by a user with administrator privileges.

                          Please contact your system administrator for help.

                          Now, I am my system's administrator, and right-clicking on the icon and choosing "Run as Administrator" results in the program not loading at all, with no error message of any kind.

                          This is extremely frustrating, as the program continues to run perfectly on my aged windows xp machine.

                          Any response at all, even telling me you can't help, would be appreciated. I am at the end of my tether with this seemingly-random error, and I want to know if there is anything I can do.

                          At this point, the operating system is the only variable between my working ICC2011 and my broken copy. I find it hard to believe the computer itself would be at fault though, given that for just over a month it was working fine.



                          • #58
                            Im getting a similar error when I attempt to open ICC2011. I've followed all the instructions above - reinstalled game, disabled antivirus, run as admin, Adjusted DEP settings. Still no luck. I purchased the game today. Here are the error details.

                            Problem signature:
                            Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
                            Application Name: Cricket.exe
                            Application Version:
                            Application Timestamp: 4e562c37
                            Fault Module Name: Cricket.exe
                            Fault Module Version:
                            Fault Module Timestamp: 4e562c37
                            Exception Code: 80000004
                            Exception Offset: 00226b4a
                            OS Version: 6.1.7601.
                            Locale ID: 1033
                            Additional Information 1: 0a9e
                            Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
                            Additional Information 3: 0a9e
                            Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

                            Any help would be appreciated.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by mnemoniny View Post
                              Ok, an update.

                              With no changes at all to my system, the error message changed to:

                              "eLicense Control

                              In order to finish initializing, this application must first be run by a user with administrator privileges.

                              Please contact your system administrator for help.

                              Now, I am my system's administrator, and right-clicking on the icon and choosing "Run as Administrator" results in the program not loading at all, with no error message of any kind.

                              This is extremely frustrating, as the program continues to run perfectly on my aged windows xp machine.

                              Any response at all, even telling me you can't help, would be appreciated. I am at the end of my tether with this seemingly-random error, and I want to know if there is anything I can do.

                              At this point, the operating system is the only variable between my working ICC2011 and my broken copy. I find it hard to believe the computer itself would be at fault though, given that for just over a month it was working fine.

                              Sorry for delay in response.

                              Those errors exist because the software has detected certain changes within your system. Try re-installing it.

                              Rohan - Unfortunately that report isn't too helpful for a definitive response.

                              What OS are you running? What's your firewall? (Not all actually turn off when you disable them)


                              • #60
                                Hi Sureshot,
                                Im running windows 7 and have comodo antivirus. I've tried disabling it and also running it in game mode.

                                I uninstalled/reinstalled the game...and now im not getting the error, but nothing happens when I double click on the icon. The game just doesnt start..

