Hi all,
Just taking the opportunity to introduce myself to everyone.
My name's Henry, I've been a big fan of ICC since I first played (and still own and pull out on occasion!) ICC2000, and have purchased and clocked remarkable hours on each version since.
I've been a member of the forums for over 4 years now, with a bit of a hiatus over the last 12-18 months due to other commitments consuming my time (namely Uni!) but now that's all done I plan to be back more often.
Over the last three versions of International Cricket Captain, I've been helping Sureshot with a lot of the Australian databases and statistics and I guess, like most here, am a massive stats nut.
Moving forward I will be helping Sureshot (and by extension Chris Child) considerably with future releases, assisting mainly with the Australian side of things.
Flicking through recent threads over the past few days, its great to see a lot of the older faces still around and enjoying the game. I look forward to reigniting a few of the great discussions we've had in the past on these forums.
For now, I'll be giving Sureshot a bit of a chop out on the forums as well as assisting with the new release, as he ramps up his time and energy towards 2013.
Love to have a chat with anyone about cricket, stats, ICC. I've played thousands of hours so I'd like to think I know the game quite well, keeping in mind it can be never mastered!
I can't wait to get back into ICC hardcore!
Just taking the opportunity to introduce myself to everyone.
My name's Henry, I've been a big fan of ICC since I first played (and still own and pull out on occasion!) ICC2000, and have purchased and clocked remarkable hours on each version since.
I've been a member of the forums for over 4 years now, with a bit of a hiatus over the last 12-18 months due to other commitments consuming my time (namely Uni!) but now that's all done I plan to be back more often.
Over the last three versions of International Cricket Captain, I've been helping Sureshot with a lot of the Australian databases and statistics and I guess, like most here, am a massive stats nut.
Moving forward I will be helping Sureshot (and by extension Chris Child) considerably with future releases, assisting mainly with the Australian side of things.
Flicking through recent threads over the past few days, its great to see a lot of the older faces still around and enjoying the game. I look forward to reigniting a few of the great discussions we've had in the past on these forums.
For now, I'll be giving Sureshot a bit of a chop out on the forums as well as assisting with the new release, as he ramps up his time and energy towards 2013.
Love to have a chat with anyone about cricket, stats, ICC. I've played thousands of hours so I'd like to think I know the game quite well, keeping in mind it can be never mastered!
I can't wait to get back into ICC hardcore!