We often get feedback about aggression rating, to clarify these labels, they are very different from a couple of years ago:
1) These are now automatically assigned based on player data compared against global data.
2) The aggression labels are just descriptive now. In 2021 and earlier versions a player’s aggression (base SR) was determined by their labelled type. You can have two average aggression players at each end of the "average" scale, but they won't score at the same rate, as that is derived from strike rates.
Likewise, you could have someone average and someone else aggressive, but there's only a 0.1% difference in SR
3) We have one aggression level for OD/20 over, which is an aggregate of both, but weighted towards 20 over.
A reminder on bowling speeds in Cricket Captain.
M > FM > MF > F.
1) These are now automatically assigned based on player data compared against global data.
2) The aggression labels are just descriptive now. In 2021 and earlier versions a player’s aggression (base SR) was determined by their labelled type. You can have two average aggression players at each end of the "average" scale, but they won't score at the same rate, as that is derived from strike rates.
Likewise, you could have someone average and someone else aggressive, but there's only a 0.1% difference in SR
3) We have one aggression level for OD/20 over, which is an aggregate of both, but weighted towards 20 over.
A reminder on bowling speeds in Cricket Captain.
M > FM > MF > F.