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CC24 Database Feedback

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  • CC24 Database Feedback

    We often get feedback about aggression rating, to clarify these labels, they are very different from a couple of years ago:

    1) These are now automatically assigned based on player data compared against global data.
    2) The aggression labels are just descriptive now. In 2021 and earlier versions a player’s aggression (base SR) was determined by their labelled type. You can have two average aggression players at each end of the "average" scale, but they won't score at the same rate, as that is derived from strike rates.

    Likewise, you could have someone average and someone else aggressive, but there's only a 0.1% difference in SR
    3) We have one aggression level for OD/20 over, which is an aggregate of both, but weighted towards 20 over.

    ​A reminder on bowling speeds in Cricket Captain.

    M > FM > MF > F.​

  • #2
    • Nuhayel Sandeed, SLA to SLW.
    • Maruf Mridha, LM to LFM. His skills need a boost too, considering his U19 and List-A debut tournament performances.
    • Sheikh Parvez, (in the game, miswritten as Paevez) is an all-rounder.
    • Iqbal Hossain, RM to RFM.
    • Rohanat Doullah, RM to RMF.
    • Mahfuzur Rahman - his bowling skills need a boost.
    • Ariful Islam could be an all-rounder, considering how much he bowled in the recent DPL. Not convinced yet.
    • Shamim Hossain is an all-rounder, not WK. Removed his keeper status, not an all rounder based on how little he's bowled.
    • Rishad Hossain's overall skill and selection need a boost, as he never gets selected.
    • Tanzim Hasan Sakib needs a bowling and selection boost as well. His ability is more than fair.
    • Abdul Gaffar needs skill and selection reduction, he seems to play regularly for NT after the T20 WC, which is a big stretch.


    M Pathirana needs a selection boost.
    N Thusara needs a selection boost.


    M Amir and Imad Wasim seem to be back in T20Is, which should be reflected in the game too.​
    Last edited by Sureshot; 06-28-2024, 03:07 PM.


    • #3
      Ben Charlesworth from all rounder to part timer. Hasn't bowled at all this season and indeed much at all in his career after a back injury a little while ago when there was talk of moving to a focus on batting.
      Last edited by Sureshot; 06-28-2024, 02:25 PM.


      • #4
        ATG`s.N.D.P. Hettiaratchi & R.A. Wynter, should be reinstated into the ATG`s, they were both in rebel tours to South Africa. Chris Wilkins should be altered from Wicket keeper, to Opener / Allrounder.
        Datta Gaekwad bowling status should be Right Medium not Leg spin, and Dattu Phadkar bowling status amended to RFM not OS.


        • #5
          Kosmas Kyeweta should be RF.
          Last edited by Sureshot; 07-07-2024, 11:25 AM.


          • #6
            Antum Naqvi needs to be added to Zimbabwe players as he's been called up for the T20 series against India
            Last edited by Sureshot; 07-07-2024, 11:25 AM.


            • #7
              Sean Williams of Zimbabwe has retired from T20 international but still plays Tests & One day internationals

              He played in 20 Over Int in May. Whilst he's retired from 20 Over Int now, in the game he will need to be free to play so he's available for those May matches.
              Last edited by Sureshot; 07-15-2024, 12:10 PM.


              • #8
                Hi there,

                I have been an active player of Cricket Captain for 4-5 years. I have a number of suggestions and hopeful improvements i’d like to see be implemented.

                First of all, injuries are extremely unrealistic. I’ve played with a team for 15 years for example and seen maybe 1 injury to a key player. Surely there could at least be an option to increase the number of injuries to make it more realistic, and make it so managers have to find replacement players/ develop young guys on the fly like real life. Fast bowlers shouldn’t be able to bowl 40 overs every test and never get hurt.

                Second, if there could be some sort of measure of player fitness or player mindset when making selection would be great. If a player has been playing IPL for example and has come back into international cricket, they are likely rested for a few games but this is never translated in their fitness.

                Third, can we get implementation of the current state of cricket, with marquee players choosing t20 comps over international cricket? It’s annoying to see players available for selection who are not available in real life because they are playing t20 comps.

                Fourth is player retirements. It is unrealistic that every player continues to play for so long. It gets to a point where I have to force players to retire by continuing to not select them even when the game keeps suggesting them into the squad. It would be good to have more accurate age ranges for players to retire.

                I have plenty more ideas of potential additions but i’ll start there. Off the top of my head ipl auctions and central contract control would be cool as well. Any questions let me know. Thanks!


                • #9
                  South Africa:

                  Hanu Viljoen and Dian Forrester - Overrated, isn't close to SA sides Have nobbled both.
                  Edward Moore - Overrated, isn't making SA sides He's not that well rated in game, his ability is fair.
                  Simon Harmer - Still overrated Solid enough cricketer in EngDom, AI won't pick him for international.
                  Tony de Zorzi - Underrated, should be in the SA test team and breaking into ODI squad Have tweaked.
                  JJ Smuts - Plays T20i first year? Have tweaked.
                  Ryan Rickleton - Underrated, should be making the international sides Have tweaked.
                  Garrett Tarr - Shouldn't be making SA side Have nobbled.
                  Delano Potgieter - Still seems too good a bowler and not good enough as a batsmen, also shouldn't be in the SA squad Looks fair with the bat. Nobbled with the ball, have tweaked his AI pick.
                  Rassie vd Dussent - Shouldn't be in the test or T20i side He played end of May in 20 Over Int. Will get the AI to stop picking him for Test.
                  Neil Brand - Shouldn't be in the international sides, overrated Played in NZ in Feb. Not particularly highly rated in any case. Have stopped AI picking him for white ball.
                  Shamsi - Underrated, should be making the T20i side Have tweaked

                  Steve Stolk and Lhuan-dre Pretorius - Should be very attacking (especially Stolk, see U19 World Cup) and could get a boost, are our most exciting batting prospect (Stolk in particular)
                  Keshav Maharaj - Maybe underrated, is better than Piedt and Harmer and should be first choice spinner in all 3 formats. Have tweaked.
                  Donovan Ferreira - Underrated, should be making T20i side after Miller and Klaasen drop off/retire. Have tweaked.
                  Janneman Malan - Shouldn't be making test side Have tweaked.
                  Matthew Breetzke - underrated, should be breaking into the international sides Ability is fair, Have tweaked AI picks.
                  Duanne Olivier - Overrated, won't be playing test cricket again He played in NZ in Feb. There are a lot of better bowlers than him in SA.
                  Last edited by Sureshot; 07-23-2024, 09:20 PM.


                  • #10
                    Alistair Frost has been added to Zimbabwe's emerging to play against South Africa emerging. Always hard with these types of players but it could be changed as he is Irish in-game
                    Antum Naqvi is playing for Zimbabwe so his brother Awad should too, atm they are counted as domestic Australian players despite never playing high level cricket there

                    I've now moved Awad to Zimbabwe for the next update. It got messy because they seemed to change between playing for Zimbabwe and not a few times.
                    Last edited by Sureshot; 07-23-2024, 07:29 PM.


                    • #11

                      Blair Tickner should have the ponytail removed.

                      David Lloyd's skin tone seems a bit too orange.

                      Nye Donald is a terrible t20 bat in game. Needs improved. Have improved.

                      Samit Patel very underrated in t20, should be more economical with the ball. Improved.

                      Would change Guest to def or avg at most in white ball. Not an agg bat in t20 anymore.

                      Chappell agg in both. Batting could be improved slightly, 3 50s this season and not far off being a bowling all rounder if he carries on.

                      Pat Brown might need his t20 bowling economy looked at. Went at 10+ in game for me but at almost 8 in real life this season. Going at 9.5 in his career.

                      Luis Reece could be nerfed a bit especially bowling wise. T20 ability has dropped off a cliff. His bowling ability looks fair, pretty weak with the ball.


                      Bracey is back to his best this season and awful in game. Needs improved. His ability is fair against his record.

                      Retire Payne from FC.

                      Both Taylor brothers are t20 mainstays in real life and have had good seasons but neither make the t20 side in game. Needs adjusted. Both are pretty average cricketers, I've made some tweaks to get the AI to pick them.

                      Hammond should be first choice t20 opener, one of the leading run scorers in the Blast this season but doesn't always get picked in game. His ability is fair. I've made some tweaks to get the AI to pick him.


                      Now Smeed has been retired from FC his batting can be improved. His ability is more than fair, over rated if anything.

                      Improve George Thomas t20 batting. His ability can vary significantly between saves.

                      Improve Tom Lammonby first class batting. Averaging almost 50 this season. And averaging 29 before this season.

                      Umeed avg least in FC. Scoring at 64 this season.

                      Make Ben Green more expensive in t20, takes wickets but also takes tap and is too economical in game. Have tweaked.
                      Last edited by Sureshot; 09-30-2024, 02:35 PM.


                      • #12
                        Sa 20 Durban Heat
                        Quinton de kock is not available because he is at the big bash and thats wrong because as a South African he prefers playing Sa20 over Big Bash

                        Good point, I've removed him from his Aus 20 Over team.
                        Last edited by Sureshot; 07-23-2024, 07:29 PM.


                        • #13
                          After the county v minor county fixtures it would be good to see Archie Harrison (Ex Derbs batting all rounder) added to the uncontracted list.
                          Last edited by Sureshot; 07-23-2024, 07:33 PM.


                          • #14
                            Hmm I think this is a big reason why we need an editor as I just disagree with some of your calls Nige. I think there should be more recency bias an ability should more accurately reflect what's fans are seeing this season not just career records.

                            This season Aneurin Donald played 10 games in the Blast and scored 313 runs at a strike rate of 199(!) With 3 match winning 50s. That's top drawer and he's playing in the Hundred as a result. In my Derbs save in game he's awful and barely managed an average in double figures and the AI certainly doesn't pick him.

                            Pat Brown's economy this season was 8.36 and he took 22 wickets. Again that's outstanding but in game he's unpickable with an economy over 10.

                            Matt Taylor took 23 wickets at 15 with an economy of 7.03 this season in the Blast. That's absolutely insane and much better than average. OK his career record isn't as good but in game he's poor and nowhere near what he's done this season.


                            • #15
                              Sureshot The issue with Deal Elgar . In the south African save he is an overseas player which are a problem because in South africa he classifies as a local player is it possible to make him Englis in the English save and South African a South African domestic save ? Because he will still play for Northerns in Sout Africa

