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Cricket Captain Editor?

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  • Cricket Captain Editor?

    The game is calling out for an editor similar to that of football manager. It can be sold therefore whoever chooses to use it has to pay for it. I just feel i should be able to adjust player abilities to my liking instead of having to wait for database changes.

    Also playing the same international fixture schedule gets tedious, i should be able to input my own fixtures in the international calendar if teams have no tours or fixtures being played.

    If anyone has a link or knows of any editors where i can input my own fixtures into the calendar please post a link below.

  • #2
    Been asking for this. Sureshot don't you think that the match engine refinements is so much better along with the new feature of score predictor. I understand the reluctance to have an editor because of the probability of lower sales in subsequent editions. But please understand that your die hard fans (5 editions bought or more) should at least be rewarded with this gesture. I have all versions since 2018, but am still playing only 2021 because of the extensive editor by weetabixharry


    • #3
      This has been requested for more than a decade guys, the devs won’t make an editor for us. And the guys that do make editors keep having to make new ones when patches get released which they can’t be bothered to do after the 3rd or 4th patch of the current version. I stick to CC21 where there’s still a working cheat table.


      • #4
        Tis a shame, this time every year I get a bit excited for the new game even though I haven't bought it in years. The lack of editor means you are stuck with the developers ratings which really puts me off spending $42aud every year. Charge $5 for the editor like Football Manager do, it never seems to affect their sales.


        • #5
          Originally posted by binga58 View Post
          Tis a shame, this time every year I get a bit excited for the new game even though I haven't bought it in years. The lack of editor means you are stuck with the developers ratings which really puts me off spending $42aud every year. Charge $5 for the editor like Football Manager do, it never seems to affect their sales.
          I agree. Honestly, there's big money to be made with an editor. Since the game has basically used the same code since 2014, one can surely expect at least 80% of all buyers from 2014-2024 to pay for a full feature editor. Die hard fans will still buy every subsequent version for just small tweaks like this year. But someone in their Business Development dept should advise the creators in a pragmatic manner. Otherwise, sooner than later even the patrons will surely abandon their efforts.


          • #6
            The steam chart numbers indicate player base is declining. It would be a shame for an iconic game to be put to bed, but it greatly needs an injection of life to keep the PC version going. I can only assume that the mobile market is the priority these days.


            • #7
              Been saying that for years now. I get the thought of losing sales in the upcoming editions, but I also don't think that is written into the stone.
              I have been playing FM every year since 2017–18. Having the editor didn't stop me from getting the subsequent editions; loyal buyers will buy the game anyway.
              In fact, I know people who aren't into Cricket Captain anymore because of the lack of customization. And let's assume that bringing in an editor will decrease sales in the next editions. I think the extra money earned from an editor can cover that up at the very least, if it doesn't increase their profit.
              I think it's high time for the devs to look into it.​


              • #8
                Yeah, I mean I can understand that an editor “might” be able to influence online games, surely it can be worked so only the official DB is supported online. I’ve also read that it would undermine the fundamentals of CC, which must be to do with the game mechanics.

                I think most of us just want to be able to rate the players fairly, and change that 3rd string LMF to his real life counterpart, ie - RF (each year there are mistakes of this instance).


                • #9
                  An in-game editor would be a brilliant idea for non-online gaming only. I think players who want it would happily pay a fiver like they do in Football Manager.


                  • #10
                    Sureshot is there any possibility for next year that an editor may be released? Charge people for the privilege if that helps the bottom line. Whilst not active here very often, I have been a fan of this series since the first ICC and more-so Australian Cricket Captain. Granted I am older but what stops me from buying the game is the ability to edit players how I see fit, and not use the default ratings and player designations that come with the game. I play many other manager games that do allow or contain player editing, especially using the Steam Workshop.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by binga58 View Post
                      Yeah, I mean I can understand that an editor “might” be able to influence online games, surely it can be worked so only the official DB is supported online. I’ve also read that it would undermine the fundamentals of CC, which must be to do with the game mechanics.

                      I think most of us just want to be able to rate the players fairly, and change that 3rd string LMF to his real life counterpart, ie - RF (each year there are mistakes of this instance).
                      There are massive cheats out on the online game, who manipulate the setttings and win games with regularity. That isn't cool at all, for someone who plays mostly online - I would absolutely HATE seing an editor doing the rounds.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by saviopaes View Post

                        There are massive cheats out on the online game, who manipulate the setttings and win games with regularity. That isn't cool at all, for someone who plays mostly online - I would absolutely HATE seing an editor doing the rounds.
                        If it was an official editor, it could easily be programmed to only work on non-online games.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by saviopaes View Post

                          There are massive cheats out on the online game, who manipulate the setttings and win games with regularity. That isn't cool at all, for someone who plays mostly online - I would absolutely HATE seing an editor doing the rounds.
                          Yeah, so looks like 95% of the buyers have to suffer because of the 5% who's play online? Nah... Don't be fooled that it's because of that aspect brother. It's very easy to make sure that the editor can't be used for online play...


                          • #14

                            I'm not against the idea of an editor at all, and in fact fully welcome fan editors and have supported these when they are around. To answer a few points:
                            - we already stop edited teams from being used in the online game and have detection systems for this. I don't think it would be a problem for the online game if there was an official editor.
                            - I don't think an editor would damage sales. The database creation is an immense job every year with enormous numbers of stats and records for each player and team. I don't think anyone could add all those players by hand every year, and even if they could I think we'd do a better job.

                            My reasons for not making a database editor are mainly:
                            - I don't want to make the player abilities easily visible, because a large part of the challenge of the game is working out your players' abilities from their performance. If you just knew who all the best players were, selection goes from an interesting challenge to just reading numbers off a spreadsheet. I realise you can just not look at these, but once you've used the editor you can't unsee it.
                            - We don't have an editor that could be made into a player tool. Our internal tool reads from a player database and team database of approximately 100MB of information. This goes through algorithms to generate player ability + some hand-made adjusters. It's not something that would be useful to players.
                            - Creation of a new database editing tool for players would be an expensive feature to make. I can't justify the expense, especially given the first point, so it's never got to the point of being a priority. Possibly a crowd funded DB editor could be a good thing. Not necessarily made by us, as there may be coders out there who we could assist if they wanted to do this.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chris Child View Post

                              I'm not against the idea of an editor at all, and in fact fully welcome fan editors and have supported these when they are around. To answer a few points:
                              - we already stop edited teams from being used in the online game and have detection systems for this. I don't think it would be a problem for the online game if there was an official editor.
                              - I don't think an editor would damage sales. The database creation is an immense job every year with enormous numbers of stats and records for each player and team. I don't think anyone could add all those players by hand every year, and even if they could I think we'd do a better job.

                              My reasons for not making a database editor are mainly:
                              - I don't want to make the player abilities easily visible, because a large part of the challenge of the game is working out your players' abilities from their performance. If you just knew who all the best players were, selection goes from an interesting challenge to just reading numbers off a spreadsheet. I realise you can just not look at these, but once you've used the editor you can't unsee it.
                              - We don't have an editor that could be made into a player tool. Our internal tool reads from a player database and team database of approximately 100MB of information. This goes through algorithms to generate player ability + some hand-made adjusters. It's not something that would be useful to players.
                              - Creation of a new database editing tool for players would be an expensive feature to make. I can't justify the expense, especially given the first point, so it's never got to the point of being a priority. Possibly a crowd funded DB editor could be a good thing. Not necessarily made by us, as there may be coders out there who we could assist if they wanted to do this.

                              Really appreciate the reply Chris Child thanks for taking the time.

                              All I can offer at this point is looking at other sports sim games, OOTP, Football Manager, Pro Cycling Manager, Football Coach - College Dynasty... the list goes on, all show player ratings which are a huge part of the game. The last 3 I know have editors available too and the communities do a great job of keeping the databases up to date throughout the year. There are many ways you could limit what ratings are shown and editable I am sure.

                              Understandable that it would take a lot of time and effort for you to make an official editor. Whilst not a full time coder, I have whipped up a few applications over the years primarily for work and other games. Would you be open to sharing how one can read the database file(s)?



