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Was Yorks a bad choice?!

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  • Chris_
    I had the same issue for the first few years. Then I realised it’s just something that’ll happen whichever team you are if you sign players of that quality. I decided to essentially ignore players under central contract when team planning, and make sure I have enough squad players without them factored in. That way it’s a bonus when they’re available between internationals and when they’re away I don’t lose a key player.

    The worst thing for me is when I have them in good form, they go away for a few weeks and return with 0 form after England were annihilated. By the time I get their form up to be played they’re off again!

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  • bhagwati
    I enjoy captaining just English FC teams only without internationals. I also play with yorkshire & most of my players too leave for international duty, I treat it as a challenge to win matches & championship with many of my good players unavailable for most of the season. I love developing a well rounded team which can win without internationals stars. It is tough initially, hang in there it will get easier after 2/3 season.

    If you want to continue this save for long duration, try to invest on youth players with 65+ 2nd XI FC batting average & under 16 2nd XI FC bowling average in contracts instead of buying expensive older players, you will be better off in long run. Most of these will play internationals, you can keep some of them & release them after 3 years, so for 3 years you will get good enough player at low cost.

    Player with 55+ & under 18 2nd XI FC average are good too. Few of these will be international regular & most of them will be county stars.

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  • bryce87
    Originally posted by Lynx54321 View Post
    International selection seems off sometimes. In my Gloucester save I've a regen who for the third season in a row is averaging over 50 in FC and OD games. His career averages for both are in the low 50s and he's now 24 and last season he was top run scorer in CCD1. Never a sniff of a call up.

    Brought in another regen to be a backup top order bat, he also averages over 50 in FC cricket but only has about 4 centuries compared to the first player who is well into double figures from a similar number of games played not to mention only averaging mid twenties in LA cricket. He's never available as he's always off with England.
    Yep. I have the very same thing happening. The problem lies in that the AI selects on hidden abilities ONLY. The AI places absolutely ZERO consideration on actual performances. This is an inherent failing of the game.

    I finally took the international captaincy in my Worcs game so I could give my guy, who at the age of 28 had an average of 53 in the CC, a test debut and the international career that he deserved. He is averaging over 50 in test matches also.

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  • Lynx54321
    International selection seems off sometimes. In my Gloucester save I've a regen who for the third season in a row is averaging over 50 in FC and OD games. His career averages for both are in the low 50s and he's now 24 and last season he was top run scorer in CCD1. Never a sniff of a call up.

    Brought in another regen to be a backup top order bat, he also averages over 50 in FC cricket but only has about 4 centuries compared to the first player who is well into double figures from a similar number of games played not to mention only averaging mid twenties in LA cricket. He's never available as he's always off with England.

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  • bryce87
    That is the nature of the game I am afraid. Every save I play I end up with the majority of the national team. When it gets too much I accept the international captaincy and that way I get the best of both worlds.

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  • simark1931
    started a topic Was Yorks a bad choice?!

    Was Yorks a bad choice?!

    I've been playing for a couple of weeks, am enjoying the game as always, but am beginning to wonder if I made a fatal error choosing Yorks as my county. Right from the start I was losing Bairstow, Root, Rashid, Willey to IPL/internationals. So after the first year, I thought I'd sign a top-class wicketkeeper for when Bairstow was off. I got Pope! So guess what - then I was losing the original 4, plus Pope!! But great news - a fantastic new talent has emerged, a young batsman who really does have the ability to win matches, even without those 5. Except, hang on... almost immediately he has been called up as well!

    In short, I now have to contend with SIX potential first-team players disappearing on a regular basis. Unsurprisingly I'm failing to achieve anything with the county, and am in a battle to avoid relegation. On the other hand it is still satisfying to develop the younger players, and I'm still learning (I think...) how to play games the best way.

    My question is, did I just make a bad choice from the off? Should I start again with a county that doesn't have so many England players? Or will I still be able to progress from here?