Originally posted by Fitzroy FC
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In terms of my own first class batting, I broadly follow the conventions others have described. Now that this edition shows the actual target RPO the batters are aiming for when you adjust the aggression, I sometimes use that number more than the bars in FC batting - e.g. I'll start with batsmen aiming for 2.5–3 RPO when they're first in, then move it up however many bars are needed for them to be aiming for around 3.5 once they're about 50% settled. As some others have said in this thread, I'll push it even higher sometimes, depending on circumstances. One of those is I keep an eye on the opposition bowlers' economy rates, and if one is proving quite expensive and I've got some good batsmen in and set, I'll try to capitalise on that and aim for as much as a run a ball off that bowler. Conversely, if one opposition bowler seems to be absoutely on fire, or for some specific circumstances like if they've got a good spinner and pitch has become a raging bunsen, I'll drop the aggression right down and try to ride it out. Again, none of this is foolproof, but I don't think I do too badly with FC batting, certainly not like my trials and tribulations with T20 batting!
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